Helllooo! Long time no see! I have been busy so I thought a cold rainy day (on my 60th Bday) would be a great day to update my blog.
I have been painting more furniture and venturing into the retail aspect of my creations. I have been timid about trying to sell my painted "babies" ( I get attached to everything I work on) but I decided to give 'er a go!
Here are some of my before and after pics.
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This is a used portable file cabinet that I found in a Thrift store that my daughter Laura took me to in Durham NC.
Repaired and painted black with Zebra Print material (which I found in a remnant bin for a great price!) wrapped around and glued to drawers with cute glass knobs added.
Inside painted turquoise for a happy surprise!
This is a plain wood end table that I found at a local Goodwill Store that I painted up all Zebra and
Turqouisey also! (I also forgot to take a before pic....I get all excited and jump into the project and
forget! )
I love to find old headboards and "gussy" them up! Another great find at Goodwill. This is a full size headboard perfect for a girl's room. (Yes, I got excited again and forgot to take a before pic...but I caught myself about 30 min. into it!)
Finished product! Zebra on the brain!! I have to use all that material! When I use material on a
headboard, it is a 4 step process. It is padded and finished with hand sewn piping trim.
Yes...I forgot again. Anyway, this is a full or queen size headboard from Goodwill. Love the bones on this one!
This would look great in a quest room! Antique White ASCP Paint and distressed with Victorian Flowered Material.
HA! You did NOT think I was over ZEBRA mania, did you?! Again...perfect for a girl's room.....OR, a REALLY cool, hip GRANDMA! Just sayin'....
This is a twin headboard. Can't leave the boys out, can we?.....
In Charlotte....Racing, of course! This is painted with a custom mix of ASCP Charcoal Grey and Antique White with adorable race car material.
Before....had to do a bit of repair and prep on this twin headboard.
Hand painted background with cutouts from same race car material as previous headboard.
Don't I look.....industrious?! I don't have a really good place to work in my house in the winter so I had to take over the media room. Michael has to walk, jump....crawl through an obstacle course to get to the sofa....then he can't find the remote! I will withhold anymore details about this scenario....
One more headboard...this is the first one that I did. It was all stained wood that I painted with ASCP Old White and Duck Egg Blue then distressed. Kind of a beachy look. This item has already SOLD! Yeah!
Now, on to non-headboard items. This is a piece I picked up at Brookdale Place where my Mom is. They were updating the building and allowing residents and family to bid on furniture. It was all stained walnut wood before I began painting it Old White and distressing it.
Darling!...I think!
Another piece from Goodwill...was all stained wood. This media table had a few repairs to do before I could begin painting it with ASCP Duck Egg Blue but nothing serious.
I love to use maps on furniture. Different, huh? (Sorry these pics are not very clear)
These are some old King Louis style side chairs that needed updating. The bones were great but needed to be reupholstered. I had never done that before but....what the heck! Let's try something new! So I redid ONE of them......
Can you see WHY I only did one!? This was a trip to the WILD SIDE! Way out of my BOX! If this does not sell...I will have to redecorate a WHOLE ROOM around this chair! NOT!! Michael would DIE! I may have to donate it to Goodwill...if they will TAKE it!
OK....I'm finally getting the hang of BEFORE pics!