Friday, February 24, 2012

My first two projects!

My friend Debbie gave me a shelf to practice on. So this is the BEFORE picture.  I love the crackled look so I painted a base color of pale green  and a top coat of black over the crackling medium.

                                She loved it! (As any good friend would!)
                                     I almost didn't give it back to her!  My next project was a old hutch that I have been using for years,  I wanted to use the crackling method again so I painted a base coat of cranberry red and topcoated with ivory white over the crackling medium.


                              Nothing like being creative on a cold rainy day in your PAJAMAS!    When I finished the two coats I noticed it still looked to, not aged like I wanted, so.... I "dirtied it up"  with antiquing glaze.  Much better!  I also wanted to leave some areas stained so I sanded and restained the table area and the drawers.  Voila!  Finished project #2!



              As you can tell...I LOVE COLOR!    Thanks for stopping by!  On to my next project!

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Pics are forthcoming.......

Since Sara helped me create this Blog last Saturday...I have not had time to Blog! Busy week but thankful for a job in this economy. Thank God for dirty teeth! (I'm a dental hygienist) I am trying to organize my photos of some of my projects from the past and present.  Hopefully this week-end I can begin to do some serious blogging.  God Bless!

Saturday, February 18, 2012

Teaching an old dog new tricks!

My lovely daughter-in-law Sara Davis is attempting to teach me blogging! She has worked very hard on setting up this site for me and I love what she has done!  This is a totally new experience for me but I am excited and can't wait to start this journey.